The New European Union

Recently, European Union leaders gathered for a summit in Slovakia. It was anything but business as usual. They discussed the turmoil created by the recent Middle East migration tsunami — which nations like Germany and France at first welcomed and even encouraged. Then they discussed the possible break-up of the EU with the British exit and the threatened desertion of several other nations. Some of the old Warsaw Pact nations are forming a separate alliance to resist Brussels’ heavy-handedness. Even

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Kings of the East

North Korea and its weapons testing has been the subject of past UN Security Council meetings. And though official action has been adopted, nothing of any great consequence has ever resulted. But North Korea’s most recent weapons testing is different for a couple of reasons. First, the nuclear devices NK exploded a few days ago were more powerful than anything they’ve tested before. Probably because the North Koreans claim to have developed hydrogen bombs. Second, it now appears that North

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States heading for suppression of Christianity

It [California] seems to have decided that Christians are the one group whose constitutional rights can be safely diminished, and maybe eventually eliminated. Writing for Christianity Today, Ed Stetzer said, “The California legislature is poised to consider legislation that could destroy the ability of numerous faith-based colleges and universities to pursue the mission for which they were created.” There are two similar bills before the California legislature. If passed and signed into law, they would force Christian universities to either

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Jesus doesn’t steal our identity, He gives us one

“Identity Theft” is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world today. And, sooner or later, it will affect all of us. It can be a minor nuisance, or it can totally devastate one’s life. Your name represents your authority, and that is what the hackers are trying to steal. They want to use your authority to enter the most secret places and steal from you. It’s the same way in our spiritual lives. Satan constantly seeks ways to

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Shifting Ground

There’s no need for me to tell you that this general election season has been one of the most bizarre in our history. With close to two dozen candidates vying for the presidential nominations of both major parties, it’s been a little like watching an overcrowded horse race. But as we approach summer, the fields have dwindled to a total of five between the two tickets. Suffice it to say that in the interminable multitude of candidate debates, the topics

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Remembering the Words of Ronald Reagan

  Nancy Reagan was recently laid to rest beside her beloved husband, President Ronald Reagan. Her body now lies in repose next to the love of her life and one of the most inspirational leaders America has ever known. They are together in an alcove at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in the beautiful hills of Simi Valley, California. They lie before a wall on which is inscribed words spoken by President Reagan at the dedication of his library in

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Death of Judge Threatens Constitutional Precepts

The recent abrupt death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia focuses attention on the looming fight for the rule of law upon which the United States of America is founded. What is at stake — literally — is whether the U.S. Constitution with all of its guarantees and protections will continue to be our firm foundation. Or will it become, as the Left in America wants, simply a rulebook that can be amended at the whim of any judge to

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Increased Drug Use Predicted Over 2000 Years Ago

America’s eyes have [recently] been on New Hampshire. But we’ve been so focused on the outcome of the presidential primaries, we have not noticed the dark specter that is rising there. According to several recent polls, the number one concern for New Hampshire residents is not who will be the Democrat or Republican nominee. It’s not the economy. It’s not even President Obama’s number one concern: climate change. Surprisingly, the issue that is uppermost for the greatest number of New

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Faith in Atheism

“I remember how frustrated I became when, as a young atheist, I examined specimens under the microscope,” wrote Dr. Douglas Oliver. “I would often walk away and try to convince myself that I was not seeing examples of extraordinary design…” But the more Oliver studied the complexities of the natural world … the more inadequate he found atheistic and evolutionary explanations.*  Today Dr. Oliver is among a growing number of former atheists who value the biblical truths of creation. It

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How China is a Step Closer to Biblical Prophecy

The ACLU is concerned about a new program recently instituted by the government of China. It is designed to encourage compliance with the Communist regime. In a few years, though, it will enforce compliance with the regime. Today, it is voluntary. By 2020, it will be mandatory. In China, everyone has an identity card. Using that card, computers will automatically track all data on every citizen, assigning each one a “credit score.” That sounds innocent enough. In the United States,

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