What is going on with the weather?

The heat kills 54 in southern Quebec. Temperatures in northern Siberia soar 40 degrees above normal. Africa records the highest temperature ever verified on that continent. What is going on with the weather?

Climate vs Weather

Whatever it is, the global warming crowd is thrilled. They see it as affirmation of their religion: the High Church of Climate Change. But they obscure two distinctions. First, contrary to what the mainstream media and the politically correct crowd would have you believe, almost no one denies that earth’s climate is changing. In fact, it has been in a constant state of change throughout its entire history.

What many of us deny is that it is changing because of something man is doing. We believe it is changing because of natural influences and fluctuations. Things like increased solar activity that directly affects the earth. Solar activity that has waxed and waned over the centuries. That’s why history tells us that the earth has suffered through several different “ice ages.”

The second distinction the global warming crowd obfuscates is the difference between “climate” and “weather.” “Climate” refers to meteorological patterns over long periods of time. “Weather” refers to what is happening right now. In Texas we say that if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change.

So the global warming people seize upon the latest heat wave as proof that the “climate” is rapidly warming. So the United States should cough up $300 billion dollars (our contribution demanded by the Paris Climate Accord from which President Trump withdrew) to stop it.

Of course, if the coming winter is especially brutal, some of them will keep their mouths shut and hope you don’t notice. Others will insist that the brutal cold proves that the “climate” is rapidly cooling. So the United States should cough up $300 billion dollars to stop it. Interestingly, China and India, the world’s two biggest polluters, aren’t required to do anything — or pay anything — for the next 30 years. […]

Can man change the climate?

The point is that after the great flood, God made a promise to humanity: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:17 NASB) That means that no matter what man does, or does not do, the natural order of things will not change. So save your money.

However, the Bible does address the subject of weird weather. Especially as we approach the end of this Age of Grace.

Isaiah tells of a future judgment on the earth where the world “fades and withers… The inhabitants of the earth are burned.” (Isaiah 24:4,6 NASB) That probably refers to nuclear war and the devastating, unending fires that follow. But it seems to also include weather phenomenon, because another verse in the same chapter predicts that grapevines will “wilt” (Isaiah 24:7 Complete Jewish Bible) as a result of human disobedience to God. The chapter implies drought on a planetary scale.

Then Revelation 16:8 tells about something that will happen during the Tribulation: “And the fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given it to scorch men with fire.” (Revelation 16:8 NASB) This is not talking about nuclear war, but about violent sunlight! It hasn’t happened yet, but the earth seems to be getting a foretaste of it.

Jesus said and the Bible tells us that as we approach His return, we can expect to see an increase in strange weather. But the worst will not come until the time of the Tribulation.

And if you are in Christ, by then, you will be gone.

transmitted by Hal Lindsey – 7/13/2018

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