The Eloquence of a Lily

Have you walked through a beautiful garden in the springtime?  It’s very difficult to be weighed down by the cares of the world when you’re surrounded by the majesty of God’s beautiful art.  Solomon was a glorious king, Jesus tells us, with the wealth of several kingdoms at his disposal.  But all of his sparkling finery pales in comparison to the simplest lily that God placed beside your feet.

And how many office hours have those lilies put in?  How many dues have they paid? Have you ever seen a lily suffering through an anxiety attack?  They neither toil nor spin.  They simply sway in the breeze, reaching heavenward toward the source of their water and sunshine and sustenance.  They do neither more nor less than they were designed to do, and what they were designed to do is to glorify God.  Would that you and I could glorify God with the simple eloquence of that little flower?

~from Slaying The Giants in Your Life by David Jeremiah

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