Mob Rule in Congress?

Last week, the “Occupy” movement came to Capitol Hill. A band of 60 Democrat lawmakers — including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — staged a “sit in” on the floor of the House of Representatives. Nothing quite like it has ever happened before in the U.S. capitol. In essence, our national lawmakers flaunted the very concept of the rule of law. In the wake of the Orlando massacre, the mainstream media portrayed them as heroic. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan

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When is a duck not a duck?

Boy, the blame game has gotten rather bizarre. Not only are prominent lawmakers blaming guns for the [Orlando] killings, but President Obama went so far as to imply that the shootings are the fault of Americans who believe that homosexual behavior is a sin.Of course, it could never be the fault of Muslims who believe homosexual behavior is a sin. Senator John McCain believes the President’s foreign policy is at fault.  The New York Times blames Republicans. Don’t believe me?

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Spiritual World War

We’re beginning to see new levels of radical Islamic brutality. Both the amount of violence and its horrific nature seem to be escalating.  Stories emerging from Afghanistan about Taliban actions are starting to rival the atrocities of ISIS. And the constant stream of reports about Muslim on Muslim attacks in the Middle East are beginning to numb our Western sensibilities. I think we are entering a new era of what I call “Spiritual World War.” And I believe that, more

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Tyranny of the .3%

[T]he latest ludicrous jackboot tyranny — the transgender bathroom issue — is being perpetrated on 99.7% of the American public by a paltry .3%. That’s not 3%, that’s .3%. Three-tenths of a percent who identify as “transgender.” Yet hypocritical multinational corporations, organizations, governments, and public figures are risking their entire reputations and fortunes in an effort to force their skewed values on every person in the United States. It matters not what the average American believes or thinks!  Why?  It

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Silencing Opponents

Rabble-rousing is the new favorite hobby, and sometimes full-time job, for an entire class of self-proclaimed “culture warriors.” Witness this year’s presidential race. For the first time since 1968, a great deal of social unrest has centered on the presidential campaign. It has been mostly fueled by the promotion of Socialism (one of the most violent and oppressive political movements in history) by one of its remaining candidates. And with the rise of issues like illegal immigration, Ferguson, transgender restrooms,

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Gathering Against Israel

[O]n May 30, France is hosting a meeting of major players to plan a Middle East peace summit later this year. All the usual suspects will be there. In fact, it appears to be a reunion of the infamous “Quartet” of organizations and states: the UN, the EU, the US, and Russia. The goal of the summit? Devise a plan for dividing Jerusalem and finally bringing peace to the Middle East through a two-state solution in Israel. And if Israel

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Climate Treaty: Roadmap to Antichrist

The United Nations chose “Earth Day” as the appropriate setting for the historic signing of this groundbreaking international climate accord [the “Paris Agreement”]. Note that the EC described it as “legally binding.” This is where it starts to get spooky, folks. What does that mean? A treaty can only be legally-binding if all parties formally agree to it. And before the U.S. can formally agree to a treaty, it has to be ratified by the U.S. Senate. The Senate has

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America, God Shed His Grace On Thee

Remember the wonderful anthem to our beloved nation, “America the Beautiful”? When was the last time you sang it? It always makes me a little misty-eyed when I do. Have you ever noticed that “America the Beautiful” is chockful of prayer? Look at it. Each verse highlights something wonderful about America, then concludes with a prayer asking God to sustain us and continue to bless us. But the prayer in the first verse is the one that I believe is

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Sex, Gender Identity, and Government

“The government has a duty to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of all students. We will not put a price tag on the privacy and safety of schoolgirls. That is exactly what the Obama administration is doing by threatening to withhold federal funding if we do not conform to an extreme political agenda that opens all public school girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to male students. Contrary to what President Obama would like, Americans do not elect a king

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Your Arm’s Too Short to Box With God

The pitcher for the Boston Red Sox [Curt Schilling] cemented his place in baseball history when he won Game Six of the 2004 American League Championship Series (ALCS) over the New York Yankees. He pitched just days after ankle surgery and endured a sore and bleeding ankle to go seven innings and allow only one run. His bloody sock became a part of Major League Baseball history. The Red Sox went on to win the World Series. Schilling has three

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