
I describe Character as the only thing that goes in the casket with you. It’s the only thing that you take with you to the hereafter…. Character is returning extra change at the grocery store. Character is keeping appointments and being on time, honoring your commitments and honoring your word. Character is choosing the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Character is setting priorities that honor God, family, country, and then career….Character in marriage is working through the tough

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When Worry Crowds Out Trust

We are a forgetful people. In the heat of an argument, we forget a friend’s kindness and focus on their faults. When the devastation of a financial loss occurs, we forget God’s previous provision. Worry crowds out trust because they cannot co-exist. The way to shrink our worry is to meditate on God’s character and truth. What we allow our minds to ruminate on affects our thoughts, actions, and emotions. We are creatures of habit, and cycles of worry are

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Fake News = Real Problem

The idea of “fake news” is real, folks. The problem is, it’s the mainstream media that is faking the news. They feel they can do so because they have a monopoly on communication and the public will never know they have concocted stories. Recently, the Associated Press (AP) reported that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief John Kelly had issued a memo calling for the use of the National Guard for immigration enforcement. Other major outlets took that story and

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UNESCO resolution denies Israel’s historic connection to the Temple Mount

Unbelievable! As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu observed, “To say Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall is like saying that China has no connection to the Great Wall of China or that Egypt has no connection to the Pyramids!” It appears obvious that UNESCO did this to appease Muslim extremists. In fact, UNESCO executive board members France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Sweden all voted to “abstain.” Have they no courage? No respect for history and

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A Message About Sexual Orientation

Recent reports indicate that the Obama administration has released new guidelines that require all federally-funded women’s shelters to admit men who identify themselves as women.  The potential for abuse and predatory behavior is obvious.  However, the real and eternal life-threatening problem lies in the bigger picture.  Ken Ham in his Answers In Genesis blog writes, Now as Christians, we should have compassion on all people who are in need of help, including those who call themselves transgender. But we also recognize

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Terrorism & Ignorance on the Rise

December 5, July 14, July 24, July 26, August 4, and August 5, 2016. Those are some of the most prominent, but just a few of the dates that Islamic terrorism struck Europe. Not the U.S. Not the Middle East. Not Africa. Not South America. Not Asia. Just Europe. And just this year, which is barely half over. No, you’re not imagining it. Terrorism is increasing around the world. And increasing rapidly. According to the nonprofit investigative group, Project on

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Faith in Atheism

“I remember how frustrated I became when, as a young atheist, I examined specimens under the microscope,” wrote Dr. Douglas Oliver. “I would often walk away and try to convince myself that I was not seeing examples of extraordinary design…” But the more Oliver studied the complexities of the natural world … the more inadequate he found atheistic and evolutionary explanations.*  Today Dr. Oliver is among a growing number of former atheists who value the biblical truths of creation. It

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The Truth About Palestine

Israel was conquered by the Babylonians who began deporting them in 586 BC.  Many years later the Persians conquered the Babylonians and the Jews remained under their control.  Centuries later, the Greeks, under Alexander the Great, defeating the Persians and ruled the known world.  Then in 63 BC, the area of Israel was conquered by Rome, and the Caesars now ruled the land.  During this Roman period of world history, Jesus ministered.  In AD 70, almost 40 years after Jesus’

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Prideful to a Fault

It struck me recently that the seemingly endless debate of “Evolution versus Creation” contains an obvious irony on the side of Evolution.  First of all, it should be noted that, according to the Wikipedia definition, Creationism is the religious belief that the universe and life originated “from specific acts of divine creation.” For young Earth creationists, this includes a biblical literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative and the rejection of the scientific theory of evolution.  Wikipedia contains this definition

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Changes of Allegiances & Alliances

In a move that stunned some analysts and even members of Congress, Russia, Iran, Syria, and Iraq announced they would form an intelligence-sharing unit headquartered in Baghdad. In 2003, the United States went to war in Iraq to stop Saddam Hussein from building, acquiring, and using weapons of mass destruction. After winning the war, we stayed and helped rebuild Iraq at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, and many U.S. lives. Out of that sacrifice, Iraq gained a

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