Cyber Pearl Harbor

In a single day last month, three American institutions — the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines, and the Wall Street Journal — experienced devastating computer “outages” (hacks?). Each of these represent major pillars of the U.S. economy. In June, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) revealed that it had been the target of a very sophisticated and protracted hack exposing the private information of millions of federal employees. Then later, OPM reported that it had suffered another computer

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A Nation Turns

On Friday, June 26th, the Supreme Court of the United States overrode the states and the voters when the justices, by a single vote, imposed legalized, same-sex marriage on all America. The resulting dissension it caused among the minority members of the court is almost unprecedented. Some of you may be wondering right now, “How can this legal development have ‘prophetic implications’? Don’t tell me this is going to usher in the Antichrist!” Well, maybe. And not because the recent

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U.S.A. – While You Were Sleeping

Just in my lifetime, I have seen an unbelievable increase in the ignorance of God’s word in America.  Just today, Congress stepped out of its own lawful bounds to impose a new law re-defining marriage.  God invented not only the word “marriage”, but defined it for us.  Yet in defiance of a Divine definition, members of a government went out of their way to change God’s definition to something that “better fit” lifestyles in the U.S.A. It’s just these lifestyle

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Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now

All readers should find this information useful.  Depending on your belief system, it should rank somewhere between mildly and critically interesting.  We are talking here of things changing rapidly and everywhere. E A R T H Q U A K E S If there is one sign associated with the last days, it’s earthquakes.  According to Jesus in Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, and Luke 21:11, there will be great earthquakes in various places.  The number of massive earthquakes is actually

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How Accurate Are God’s Prophecies?

Do you think that the prophecies found in the Bible have nothing to do with life today?  Christians realize that God’s prophesies cover time from beginning to end.  But, if you are skeptical, here’s one that might be a reality check for you. You are probably aware that, on May 15, 1948, Israel was reborn as a nation.  You may also know that the rebirth of Israel was predicted in the Bible. But until a discovery revealed recently by Grant Jeffrey,

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Observations on Our Nation’s Condition

I find it very disconcerting that a firestorm of controversy could be ignited by the truth that was spoken on the topic of Christianity recently in a predominantly Christian nation. The controversy began when pastor Robert Jeffress took to the stage at the annual gathering of evangelical Christians on October 7th to introduce Rick Perry. The Texas pastor said: “Rick Perry’s a Christian. He’s an evangelical Christian, a genuine follower of Jesus Christ…Mitt Romney’s a good moral person, but he’s

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Are We The Ones?

Prophecy, especially prophecy concerning the “end times,” is a popular subject these days. A century ago, that was not the case. In fact, many of the great Christian thinkers, evangelists, pastors, and religious leaders gave little thought to the cryptic Biblical prophecies concerning the end of days. Some even went so far as to discount them as nothing more than Biblical symbolism. So why is the subject so popular today? One word: Israel. You see, none of the prophecies concerning

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The Hatred of an Innocent People

Simply put, the world hates Israel. It can’t help itself. It does so out of instinct. It hates Israel because it hates God. And God knew that would happen, that’s why He offered a promise of protection for His people. He said that He would bless those who blessed His people and curse those who cursed them. There’s no other logical reason why Israel should be the pariah nation it is. It is a pro-American, Western-style, capitalist democracy. It has

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Today’s “Laodicean Church”

Paul famously described these days in his second letter to Timothy. He says in part, “There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive… ungrateful, unholy… without self-control… treacherous… conceited… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God….” I won’t go on, but, believe me, it’s a letter-perfect description of present day America. You can read it for yourself at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NIV). The second passage is

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Moore’s Law and Scripture

Moore’s Law says that computer capacity doubles every 18 months. That’s why your laptop is obsolete by the time you figure it out! Columbus sailed to the new world 1,500 years after the Apostle Paul made his Mediterranean journey. Both sailed on wooden ships with sails. In fact, men traveled in wooden sailing ships until the end of the 19th century. One hundred years later, those same weeks-long trips take a few hours by air. 1,900 years from Paul’s ship

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