ISIS Threat Evaluation

Once again, the call of “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is Greatest) rang out as a death cry in a major world city. Last week, Islamic terrorists attacked the City of Lights — Paris, France.  The terrorists hit six locations almost simultaneously. At least 129 were killed and more than 300 persons wounded. 99 of those are so critical, many of them may die, too.  ISIS has claimed responsibility. Paris went into full lockdown. France’s borders were closed. Its airspace completely restricted.

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Increased Lawlessness is Prophetic

Something .. that is definitely “last days prophetic scenario” stuff is the dramatic increase of “lawlessness” in our world. Both individual and institutional. It is impossible to watch TV or read the paper without being almost overwhelmed by the evil that is flooding our world. From our kids in school to our highest government figures, the flouting of the laws of the land and the norms of society is commonplace. So much so that we are becoming desensitized to it. We’ve

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The Ultimate Security System

Have you noticed now many of our headlines contain the word security – Social Security, Homeland Security, cyber security, security procedures, security guards, national security, and personal security? The dictionary defines security as “freedom from care, anxiety, and fear; precautions taken to guard against harm.” This dangerous world is obsessed with security, but our only real security is found in the Lord. We live in an unsafe world, and it’s more dangerous than the leaders of our government realize; for

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9/11/01 and Isaiah 9:10

In a recent copy of Coffee Talk Light News (September 11, 2015), an article by Lee Griffith caught my eye. I have used Mr. Griffith’s appropriate title of his article for this post. In his piece, Mr. Griffith notes that more lives were lost in the 9/11 attack on the U.S. than in the attack on Pearl harbor. He notes, “There is actually a shocking similarity between the 9/11 attack on our nation and something that happened in ancient history.

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Prepare Yourself

If you’re a regular viewer of “The Hal Lindsey Report,” you know that I’ve hit hard and often on two ideas. One, that times of persecution (and legal prosecution) are headed our way. Two, that the reason for that persecution will be our insistence on pressing the claim of Jesus Christ that He is the only way to salvation and heaven. As we see the demonic spirit of “political correctness” take firmer hold on all areas of our society, I’m

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Obedience: Government vs. God

from A.D. The Bible Continues: The Revolution That Changed the World [2] When the Sanhedrin demanded that Peter stop preaching about Jesus, Peter shot back a telling question: “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him?”  (Acts 4:19).  At some point today, believers will face this question as well.  And as Western governments drift further away from godly principles, it will be something we face more often and with more serious consequences. Christ made it clear

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A Nation Turns

On Friday, June 26th, the Supreme Court of the United States overrode the states and the voters when the justices, by a single vote, imposed legalized, same-sex marriage on all America. The resulting dissension it caused among the minority members of the court is almost unprecedented. Some of you may be wondering right now, “How can this legal development have ‘prophetic implications’? Don’t tell me this is going to usher in the Antichrist!” Well, maybe. And not because the recent

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U.S.A. – While You Were Sleeping

Just in my lifetime, I have seen an unbelievable increase in the ignorance of God’s word in America.  Just today, Congress stepped out of its own lawful bounds to impose a new law re-defining marriage.  God invented not only the word “marriage”, but defined it for us.  Yet in defiance of a Divine definition, members of a government went out of their way to change God’s definition to something that “better fit” lifestyles in the U.S.A. It’s just these lifestyle

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Understanding and Interpreting the Coming of Jesus

There may be serious differences in the understanding of His promised coming. To one it is plain as day that He is coming very soon in person to reign on earth, and that imminent coming is his hope and his stay. To another, who loves his Bible and his Savior just as much, the coming can mean nothing but the Judgment Day – the solemn transition from time to eternity, the close of history on earth, the beginning of heaven;

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When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?

In 1954, the American Legion sponsored a series of network television broadcasts called “Back to God.” On one of those national telecasts, President Dwight D. Eisenhower appeared from the White House. He thanked the American Legion for urging Americans to acknowledge God in their daily lives. Then the President said, “As a former soldier, I am delighted that our veterans are sponsoring a movement to increase our awareness of God in our daily lives. In battle, they (the veterans) learned

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