Threat to Religious Rights extends to Universities

“It’s pretty amazing how quickly we got here, to a place in society where those of faith are to be silenced by the loud and powerful few; where one’s conscience counts only if it reflects the extreme views of the political elite.” This week, Cathi Herrod, President of Center for Arizona Policy, wrote this news update on California’s SB 1146, a bill that would have forced religious universities in California to abandon biblical teachings about human sexuality or lose state-funded scholarships

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Terrorism & Ignorance on the Rise

December 5, July 14, July 24, July 26, August 4, and August 5, 2016. Those are some of the most prominent, but just a few of the dates that Islamic terrorism struck Europe. Not the U.S. Not the Middle East. Not Africa. Not South America. Not Asia. Just Europe. And just this year, which is barely half over. No, you’re not imagining it. Terrorism is increasing around the world. And increasing rapidly. According to the nonprofit investigative group, Project on

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When is a duck not a duck?

Boy, the blame game has gotten rather bizarre. Not only are prominent lawmakers blaming guns for the [Orlando] killings, but President Obama went so far as to imply that the shootings are the fault of Americans who believe that homosexual behavior is a sin.Of course, it could never be the fault of Muslims who believe homosexual behavior is a sin. Senator John McCain believes the President’s foreign policy is at fault.  The New York Times blames Republicans. Don’t believe me?

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The Real Enemy

Many of us entrenched in political and cultural fights to preserve life, marriage and family, and religious freedom join our fellow Americans as we grieve the tragic loss of life from the inconceivable horror unleashed in Orlando, Florida on Sunday. We’ve set aside our arguments and bent our knees. We all feel the pain rip through our nation as a self-proclaimed terrorist slaughtered dozens of our fellow men and women in the name of his god. It’s anguishing to see

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Spiritual World War

We’re beginning to see new levels of radical Islamic brutality. Both the amount of violence and its horrific nature seem to be escalating.  Stories emerging from Afghanistan about Taliban actions are starting to rival the atrocities of ISIS. And the constant stream of reports about Muslim on Muslim attacks in the Middle East are beginning to numb our Western sensibilities. I think we are entering a new era of what I call “Spiritual World War.” And I believe that, more

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The Eloquence of a Lily

Have you walked through a beautiful garden in the springtime?  It’s very difficult to be weighed down by the cares of the world when you’re surrounded by the majesty of God’s beautiful art.  Solomon was a glorious king, Jesus tells us, with the wealth of several kingdoms at his disposal.  But all of his sparkling finery pales in comparison to the simplest lily that God placed beside your feet. And how many office hours have those lilies put in?  How

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Silencing Opponents

Rabble-rousing is the new favorite hobby, and sometimes full-time job, for an entire class of self-proclaimed “culture warriors.” Witness this year’s presidential race. For the first time since 1968, a great deal of social unrest has centered on the presidential campaign. It has been mostly fueled by the promotion of Socialism (one of the most violent and oppressive political movements in history) by one of its remaining candidates. And with the rise of issues like illegal immigration, Ferguson, transgender restrooms,

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Islam & Christianity – A Redeeming Difference

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer. He redeemed us from the penalty of our sins — eternal torment and separation from God — by taking upon Himself our sins and guilt, and paying our penalty by dying in our place. It doesn’t seem like an even exchange, does it? He gets our sin and we get His righteousness. His righteousness reconciles us to the Father. And it happens the moment we believe in and accept Christ’s substitutionary death.

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The Mystery of the Magi

For many of us, Christmas is our favorite time of the year. But each year it grows more difficult to navigate the suffocating commercialism and secularization of the season to arrive at the genuine reason for the celebration: the incarnation of God as a human to become the sacrifice for our sins and make possible our reconciliation to God. I’m afraid we’ve lost our sense of wonderment at the unfathomable miracles that made possible the advent of our Savior. One

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9/11/01 and Isaiah 9:10

In a recent copy of Coffee Talk Light News (September 11, 2015), an article by Lee Griffith caught my eye. I have used Mr. Griffith’s appropriate title of his article for this post. In his piece, Mr. Griffith notes that more lives were lost in the 9/11 attack on the U.S. than in the attack on Pearl harbor. He notes, “There is actually a shocking similarity between the 9/11 attack on our nation and something that happened in ancient history.

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