Satan’s evil manipulation, or stupidity and arrogance of humans?

Over the last few weeks, I have spent a great deal of time discussing the recent “deal” the Obama administration has made with Tehran’s mad mullahs regarding their mad dash for nuclear weapons with which to attack both Israel and the U.S. If you’ve seen those Reports, you realize that I’ve not been telling you what you’ve heard in the mainstream media, but what you have NOT heard! Which is really the most important stuff.  […]

During the [Senate Armed Services Committee] hearing, Secretary of State John Kerry and Ernest Moniz, Secretary of the Department of Energy (the aforementioned DOE) revealed what we already knew, but were loathe to admit: we are being led by either dumb clucks or devious men of the highest caliber.

Both Kerry and Moniz admitted that they had not — and probably no one in the entire U.S. government has, either — read the side agreements made between the unhinged Ayatollahs and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Why is this important, you ask? Well, first, apparently no one in our federal government bothers to read any legislation anymore. Remember Nancy Pelosi’s infamous Obamacare motto, “We have to pass the bill before you can find out what’s in it….” or the Republicans’ decision to allow no one to see the TPP legislation before it becomes law?

Beyond that infuriating tendency, it just seems like it might be important to know what agreements have been made between the world’s foremost sponsor of terrorism and the group charged with supervising Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal.

Trust me, one of those two parties WILL lie, cheat, and steal to get its way and the other party is the IAEA!

But, apparently, Misters Kerry and Moniz do not think those agreements are important enough for anyone in U.S. leadership to even review. Unbelievable!

You know, I’m thinking that the conditions that allow the rise of the Antichrist and the great turmoil of the last days may not all come about simply through Satan’s sheer evil manipulation. I think some of the way will be paved with the sheer stupidity, arrogance, and laziness of some of our leaders. That’s just my opinion, though!

from The Hal Lindsey Report – August 7, 2015

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