Russia, Iran, and the Quds Force

The coming alliance between Russia and Iran represents one of the pivotal points in Bible prophecy. We’ve seen them flirting with one another for years, but it is now becoming something more.

Last week, the second most important man in Iran visited Russia. It wasn’t the president, Hassan Rouhani. It was the leader of the notorious Quds Force, General Qassem Soleimani.

First of all, why did Vladimir Putin want to see the terrorist-in-chief of the world’s chief terrorist nation? Second, why would Putin break an international law that he signed-off on to see this man?

The United Nations has sanctions in place to prohibit Soleimani from traveling outside Iran, yet Russia, who voted for the sanction in the UN Security Council, openly invited him to Moscow.

Could there be a clue in the English translation of the name of that notorious organization, Quds Force. It translates to “Jerusalem Force.”

In the last few days, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, has openly questioned why Soleimani was welcomed to Russia in violation of international sanctions.

This will get interesting. The Bible very specifically names an alliance between Russia and a group of Muslim nations led by Persia, or modern Iran, as an aggressor against Israel. Now, Russia and the leader of a terrorist organization from Iran apparently dedicated to the destruction of Israel are getting chummy!

Folks, this isn’t just prophecy, these are today’s headlines!

from The Hal Lindsey Report – August 14, 2015

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