The misunderstood appeal of Muslim terror groups

Many members of the mainstream media are trying to make a big deal out of the fact that the terrorist who murdered 84 people in Nice, France last week was not a “devout Muslim.” It seems they are relieved, if not happy, that he was an evil person, but not a “radical Muslim.”

These clueless people (who, unfortunately, wield enormous power in our world) completely misunderstand the appeal of Muslim terror groups.

Terror groups do not recruit from among the devout. They intentionally look for bad people. They search for those whose lives are so horrible that they know they have no chance of entering “paradise” by observing all of the rules of Islam.

Why? Because Islam offers a “shortcut” to redemption and paradise.  That shortcut is “martyrdom.”

That’s why radical Islamic terrorist groups recruit from among the most violent and bloodthirsty people in the world. That’s why radical Islam is exploding in America’s prisons.

It offers a way — codified in the Koran, the Sura, and the Hadith — to live a life of evil, but, at the very last moment, guarantee acceptance into “Jannah,” or the Muslim version of paradise: Die violently, killing the enemies of Allah.

And for thugs who “believe” but don’t “practice” Islam, that shortcut to an eternity of paradise is a powerful incentive to unrestrained violence. And the Hadith promises that that kind of violent death won’t even hurt!

Here’s the difference between Islam and Christianity: Islam promises eternal paradise for anyone willing to die a horrible death wreaking destruction on the enemies of Allah. Christianity promises eternal paradise for anyone willing to accept the free gift of pardon that Jesus Christ died the horrible death to purchase for us.  

I don’t believe you have to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to figure out which is the better deal!

[Ed note: bolding added for emphasis]

transmitted by Hal Lindsey – 7/22/2016

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