Heaven Consists of Just One Race

Did you know God only allows one race of human beings into heaven?  From a biblical worldview, all humans are descendants of Adam, so biologically there is only one race.  Observational science has confirmed that there is only one race of human beings.1 Also, the science of genetics has helped us understand that there are no truly black people and no truly white people – all humans are different shades of brown depending on their level of melanin.

Furthermore, the Bible makes it clear that there are just two spiritual races – the saved and the unsaved and that only the saved race will be in heaven. And, the good news is that God gives equally to all people the gift of salvation – all we have to do is accept it!

1. The Human Genome Project

For more information, please go to: https://answersingenesis.org/charles-darwin/racism/the-human-kind/

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