The Earthquake No One Felt

November saw two major earthquakes in the world. One was felt, the other wasn’t. A powerful 7.0 quake struck near Anchorage, Alaska, last week. In the three days following the earthquake, there were more than 1,800 aftershocks. Fortunately, it did not strike the city directly and it was centered more than 25 miles beneath the earth’s surface. There was no loss of life, but the images of the damage are breathtaking. But another, far stranger earthquake also took place in

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Whose side are you on?

There is unabashed prayer in the Oval Office. In front of the cameras! As a nation, we have loudly proclaimed our support for and solidarity with Israel. We have smashed some of the most dangerous Islamic terrorist forces in the world. We have withdrawn from pacts and partnerships that were not only duplicitous, but dangerous. We are witnessing a restoration of the Constitutional role of the judiciary. We have eased the bureaucratic burdens on industry and business that were choking

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Brett Kavanaugh: A Crossroads for America

It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of the crossroads at which we stand today in America. One of the defining principles of our nation — one that is almost innate within the psyche of Americans — is the idea that each of us is “innocent until proven guilty” of any accusation. We all grew up knowing that, when the stakes were high, at least we had the protection of that fundamental assumption. We knew that in matters great

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The Rise of Irrationality

One of the hallmarks of the last days will be the rise of irrationality. Romans 1:28 says, “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper.” The Greek context here means God gave them over to a mind that cannot even think in its own best interest. Satan must be pleased. Hatred is on the rise in America. Everywhere we

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Microchips and “The Mark”

You’ve heard me say before that I think the “mark of the beast” described in Revelation 13 may well be a microchip implanted in the hand or the forehead. The chip could easily contain a numeric prefix issued by the Antichrist’s government to all who comply. The presence of that number would confirm the chip bearer’s acceptable status with the government. In describing this mark, Revelation 13:17 mentions that only those who have the government’s approved “mark” would be able

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Civil Wars Ahead?

America faces an uncertain time. Across the political spectrum, people are talking about a “Second American Civil War.” But what’s happening in the United States is happening everywhere. From North America to Central and South America. From Europe to the Middle East. Africa stays in a state of perpetual turmoil. India and Pakistan. Ukraine and Russia. Yemen and Saudi Arabia. North Korea and South Korea. China and all of its free neighbors. […] We have entered a period of worldwide

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Just over two months ago, the world watched as the United States opened its embassy in the city of Jerusalem. President Donald Trump was not only fulfilling a campaign promise, but he was, according to him, simply recognizing reality. Jerusalem is and has always been the capital of Israel. […] The ancient Bible prophets foretold that Jerusalem will become the focal point of the world. It is. We know the nations of the world will one day gather against it.

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Germany Playing Both Sides

In an obvious attempt at a win-win, Germany is playing on both sides of the same game.  But the “game” has the  likelihood of becoming a deadly war.  Here is Hal Lindsey’s observation of the facts, what they mean, and where they are leading; and one reason President Trump is so upset with NATO… WHAT IS NATO? NATO is an alliance of nations created to stand against Russia and its allies. At the time of its formation after World War

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What is going on with the weather?

The heat kills 54 in southern Quebec. Temperatures in northern Siberia soar 40 degrees above normal. Africa records the highest temperature ever verified on that continent. What is going on with the weather? Climate vs Weather Whatever it is, the global warming crowd is thrilled. They see it as affirmation of their religion: the High Church of Climate Change. But they obscure two distinctions. First, contrary to what the mainstream media and the politically correct crowd would have you believe, almost

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The Trouble with Humans Determining Human Rights

Conservative commentator Molly Hemmingway made an interesting observation yesterday. She noted that two days ago, the Left was in complete outrage that children were being “ripped away from their parents” at the border. Around mid-afternoon yesterday, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced that he was retiring from the Supreme Court. That gives President Trump the historic opportunity to nominate another constitutionalist justice to the high court. Immediately, the same liberals who were screaming about children being ripped away from their mothers at

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