Arming the Enemy

Desperate for a legacy, with a complicit Secretary of State desperate for a Nobel, the President made a deal with the devil. More precisely, I suppose, the mullahs of Iran.

As of this writing, we’re not sure we know all of the details of this pact, but from what we do know, this is on par with Chamberlain’s historic surrender in Munich that led directly to World War Two.

Don’t laugh. We’ve just told another nation — one that has openly and often pledged to destroy Israel the moment it has the ability to do so and holds national “Death to America” days — that if they will play the part for a few short years (as few as 96 months by some accounts), then they can go ahead and build their nuclear weapons to make their dreams — and our nightmares — come true.

Who, in their right mind, would willingly do that? But even worse, apparently get down on their knees to beg for the opportunity to do so. Then be publicly ridiculed by the other party when the deal was concluded!

You guessed it. We would and did.

[…] You wouldn’t buy a used car from a salesman who pulled these kinds of stunts during your negotiations over the price.

Too bad President Obama wasn’t only haggling over the price of a broken down beater. Instead, he was gleefully offering the keys to the nuclear weapons factory to the Iranians and lighting the tinder for the nuclear bonfire that is coming to the Middle East. Unless the Senate can muster the intellectual courage, and the veto-proof majority, to put an end to this debacle, President Obama has just created his legacy. That is, the beginning of the most dreadful arms race this world has ever witnessed, in the most dangerous and volatile region this world harbors.

If this doesn’t have last days prophetic scenario written all over it, nothing does!

from The Hal Lindsey Report – July 17, 2015

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