U.S.A. – The Nation of Hope to the World

Our nation exists today because her founders recognized their dependence on God and acknowledged it in the foundation and framework of this magnificent house we call the United States of America. We dismiss that recognition at our peril. The United States of America is the world’s only superpower. Its economy is the engine that drives the world. Even in our difficult times, it is still the cornerstone on which the global economy rests. Twice in one century, the United States

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Resurrection Day – 2017

As we approach Resurrection Day of 2017, I believe our world is facing greater dangers than any time in recent memory. On the one hand, our new, besieged President deals with the threat of imminent nuclear war in Asia. On the other, he faces the prospect of conflict with Russia and Iran (which also could easily go nuclear). According to the Bible prophets, those two powers will one day lead the coalition of nations that will invade Israel. As the

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Trump’s Travel Ban Truths

Many on the Left have tried to paint the temporary ban prohibiting travel into the U.S. from those specific nations as a “Muslim ban.” Either they are terribly uninformed or they are lying. My vote goes for lying. The seven nations on the list are Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Seven nations specified by the previous administration. It bans entry of all travelers from those nations, not just Muslims. The executive order doesn’t even mention Muslims. The

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Trump and the End Times

It’s a funny thing. During the primaries, many Christians opposed Donald Trump because he wasn’t “Christian” enough. But since he won the presidential election, some of those Christians have decided that these may not be the end-times after all. They place so much hope in President-Elect Trump that they foresee only good things happening in the United States and the world. And it’s true that some positive things have already taken place. Now, I don’t know how the President-Elect will

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