Where is America’s Greatness?

Donald Trump wants so much to see America return to greatness that in 2012 he trademarked the slogan, “Make America Great Again!” In 2016, that sentiment finally resonated with a majority of American voters. I believe there is a broad sense among Americans that we’ve left something behind — something crucial. But what? What made America so successful, rich, safe, powerful, and desirable?  We keep hearing that it was “American values.” But what are “American values?” The definition you would

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The Ultimate Security System

Have you noticed now many of our headlines contain the word security – Social Security, Homeland Security, cyber security, security procedures, security guards, national security, and personal security? The dictionary defines security as “freedom from care, anxiety, and fear; precautions taken to guard against harm.” This dangerous world is obsessed with security, but our only real security is found in the Lord. We live in an unsafe world, and it’s more dangerous than the leaders of our government realize; for

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