So-called “Christians” Encouraging Israel to Commit National Suicide

[In August] the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) held its Churchwide Assembly. At that gathering, the delegates representing the individual congregations agreed to join their voices and efforts together to urge America to force Israel to walk the plank. I’m on old sailor, so that’s how I would describe it. You may choose to say, “…urge America to force Israel to commit national suicide.” Either way, the result is the same. The ELCA has now joined the Boycott, Divestment, and

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Welcome to the End-Times!

Recently, the Russian military moved as many as 40,000 troops, along with tanks, armored vehicles, and air force units, to staging areas along Russia’s border with Ukraine. Russia is also conducting massive military exercises nearby and in Belarus, north of Ukraine. Some media organizations are noting that these are the same preparations Russia made before invading and annexing Ukraine’s southern peninsula of Crimea in 2014. Some are speculating that Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine and seize the eastern regions

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Threat to Religious Rights extends to Universities

“It’s pretty amazing how quickly we got here, to a place in society where those of faith are to be silenced by the loud and powerful few; where one’s conscience counts only if it reflects the extreme views of the political elite.” This week, Cathi Herrod, President of Center for Arizona Policy, wrote this news update on California’s SB 1146, a bill that would have forced religious universities in California to abandon biblical teachings about human sexuality or lose state-funded scholarships

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Terrorism & Ignorance on the Rise

December 5, July 14, July 24, July 26, August 4, and August 5, 2016. Those are some of the most prominent, but just a few of the dates that Islamic terrorism struck Europe. Not the U.S. Not the Middle East. Not Africa. Not South America. Not Asia. Just Europe. And just this year, which is barely half over. No, you’re not imagining it. Terrorism is increasing around the world. And increasing rapidly. According to the nonprofit investigative group, Project on

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States heading for suppression of Christianity

It [California] seems to have decided that Christians are the one group whose constitutional rights can be safely diminished, and maybe eventually eliminated. Writing for Christianity Today, Ed Stetzer said, “The California legislature is poised to consider legislation that could destroy the ability of numerous faith-based colleges and universities to pursue the mission for which they were created.” There are two similar bills before the California legislature. If passed and signed into law, they would force Christian universities to either

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God’s Incomparable Prophecies

The world is fascinated by the “prophecies” of modern “prophets” like Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or Joseph Smith. But their predictions have invariably proven to be vague, at best, and completely erroneous at worst. And they are always “discovered” after the fact. Unlike the prophecies of the ancient Bible prophets who named names and dates centuries in advance and have never been wrong. As the world hurtles toward the end of this Age, we have the plan already laid out for

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Tyranny of the .3%

[T]he latest ludicrous jackboot tyranny — the transgender bathroom issue — is being perpetrated on 99.7% of the American public by a paltry .3%. That’s not 3%, that’s .3%. Three-tenths of a percent who identify as “transgender.” Yet hypocritical multinational corporations, organizations, governments, and public figures are risking their entire reputations and fortunes in an effort to force their skewed values on every person in the United States. It matters not what the average American believes or thinks!  Why?  It

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Losing Our Minds

It seems people…are losing their minds. Not completely, but incrementally. The human race as a whole is becoming less thoughtful, less intelligent, less discerning, and less reflective. We are gorging ourselves on a diet of “thought-candy”, not meat. Meat requires chewing and chewing means work. Thought-candy is sweet and melts in your mind. It includes things like celebrity news, trite, thoughtless memes, and ready-made, predigested political ideas we already know and agree with. Those things are not bad in themselves,

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Gathering Against Israel

[O]n May 30, France is hosting a meeting of major players to plan a Middle East peace summit later this year. All the usual suspects will be there. In fact, it appears to be a reunion of the infamous “Quartet” of organizations and states: the UN, the EU, the US, and Russia. The goal of the summit? Devise a plan for dividing Jerusalem and finally bringing peace to the Middle East through a two-state solution in Israel. And if Israel

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Iraq: No Way Forward

Iraq is crumbling. The nation into which America poured so much blood and treasure is tearing apart. Its government has lost control and is spiraling into chaos. So much so that recently thousands of Iraqis stormed the “Green Zone,” the portion of Baghdad that lies behind fortified walls. Inside those walls you will find the houses of government, foreign embassies, luxury hotels, shops, and restaurants. The Green Zone is the safe place in Baghdad where most foreigners stay when visiting

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