Your Arm’s Too Short to Box With God

The pitcher for the Boston Red Sox [Curt Schilling] cemented his place in baseball history when he won Game Six of the 2004 American League Championship Series (ALCS) over the New York Yankees. He pitched just days after ankle surgery and endured a sore and bleeding ankle to go seven innings and allow only one run. His bloody sock became a part of Major League Baseball history. The Red Sox went on to win the World Series. Schilling has three

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Shifting Ground

There’s no need for me to tell you that this general election season has been one of the most bizarre in our history. With close to two dozen candidates vying for the presidential nominations of both major parties, it’s been a little like watching an overcrowded horse race. But as we approach summer, the fields have dwindled to a total of five between the two tickets. Suffice it to say that in the interminable multitude of candidate debates, the topics

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U.S Judge Pledges Allegiance to Jihad

Fox News reported on December 16, that a Muslim Civil Court judge in New York City was sworn in using the Koran, the holy book of Islam, as a testament to her radical Islamic belief system. That a judge or politician can now legally swear allegiance to the Islamic ideology, one that allows wife-beating, abuse of children, and other crimes that would usually be considered aberrations in Western countries, is a stark change to the previous, God-inspired value system of the United States.

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Sexual Predators “Hidden” by Planned Parenthood

If you had an underage daughter who was raped, wouldn’t you want the situation investigated to the fullest extent so that your daughter (or someone else’s daughter) wasn’t put in a similar situation by a predator? Wouldn’t you expect a so-called “women’s health care provider” to do everything possible to report and to assist in any underage rape investigations it uncovered? (read more…)

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Celebrating Immorality

“Why should I care if men marry men or women marry women?” The truth is that it’s a very big deal. In fact, it may be the biggest deal – after the state-approved murders of 50 million unborn children – that the United States has ever faced or ever will face. It’s important because it weakens one of the last remaining foundational pillars on which our nation is built. For that matter, on which any nation is built. You see,

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Christian Morals Unwelcome in New York

Recently, New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo told a radio interviewer that “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay… have no place in the state of New York.” New York’s new mayor quickly seconded that motion, “…100 percent.” Cuomo later tried to walk that statement back by saying that he meant the extremists had no place in New York politics. But two of the three issues he mentioned are moral issues, not political ones. If you’re a conservative and/or a Christian

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Christianity and the Bible are under attack in U.S.

Both Christianity and the Bible are under attack in these last days in ways we could never have imagined just a generation ago. Dan Cathy, CEO of the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain is learning that unfortunate fact the hard way. In an interview with the “Baptist Press,” Mr. Cathy ventured to express his personal opinion about traditional marriage. Uh-oh. That was a mistake, because Mr. Cathy believes in the Biblical definition of marriage: one man and one woman. Further, Cathy believes

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