Where Does Truth Come From?

by Martyn Iles A few years ago, I was helping a group of teenagers with some tutoring sessions. They would ask about everything, from English essays to science projects. As this practice grew, I wondered how we might make the best use of our time. So one evening I asked them, “What do you need help with the most?” After a long pause, one of them suddenly lit up as if she’d had the best idea of her life. That’s

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I describe Character as the only thing that goes in the casket with you. It’s the only thing that you take with you to the hereafter…. Character is returning extra change at the grocery store. Character is keeping appointments and being on time, honoring your commitments and honoring your word. Character is choosing the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Character is setting priorities that honor God, family, country, and then career….Character in marriage is working through the tough

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The Real Enemy

Many of us entrenched in political and cultural fights to preserve life, marriage and family, and religious freedom join our fellow Americans as we grieve the tragic loss of life from the inconceivable horror unleashed in Orlando, Florida on Sunday. We’ve set aside our arguments and bent our knees. We all feel the pain rip through our nation as a self-proclaimed terrorist slaughtered dozens of our fellow men and women in the name of his god. It’s anguishing to see

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Kim Davis Has What U.S. Judges Lack

There are a couple of things really wrong right here in America that have a brand new stench. First, we have a government consisting of three components that were designed to stay in check, with each one able to perform certain duties the others aren’t allowed to by law.   Each portion of the three parts is responsible for following a unique rule-set.  The design is very good, and in fact lasted until the middle of year 2015. Hal Lindsey stated, “On

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Silenced & Charged

What if you were fined $135,000 tomorrow because of your convictions? What would that mean for you, your family, and their future? And then, you were ordered to be silent. This scenario played out for Melissa and Aaron Klein, owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In 2013, Rachel Bowman-Cryer and her mother came in for a cake tasting where she shared with Aaron that there was no groom but instead two brides. Aaron then explained that he would not be

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A Nation Turns

On Friday, June 26th, the Supreme Court of the United States overrode the states and the voters when the justices, by a single vote, imposed legalized, same-sex marriage on all America. The resulting dissension it caused among the minority members of the court is almost unprecedented. Some of you may be wondering right now, “How can this legal development have ‘prophetic implications’? Don’t tell me this is going to usher in the Antichrist!” Well, maybe. And not because the recent

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Celebrating Immorality

“Why should I care if men marry men or women marry women?” The truth is that it’s a very big deal. In fact, it may be the biggest deal – after the state-approved murders of 50 million unborn children – that the United States has ever faced or ever will face. It’s important because it weakens one of the last remaining foundational pillars on which our nation is built. For that matter, on which any nation is built. You see,

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Christian Morals Unwelcome in New York

Recently, New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo told a radio interviewer that “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay… have no place in the state of New York.” New York’s new mayor quickly seconded that motion, “…100 percent.” Cuomo later tried to walk that statement back by saying that he meant the extremists had no place in New York politics. But two of the three issues he mentioned are moral issues, not political ones. If you’re a conservative and/or a Christian

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Christianity and the Bible are under attack in U.S.

Both Christianity and the Bible are under attack in these last days in ways we could never have imagined just a generation ago. Dan Cathy, CEO of the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain is learning that unfortunate fact the hard way. In an interview with the “Baptist Press,” Mr. Cathy ventured to express his personal opinion about traditional marriage. Uh-oh. That was a mistake, because Mr. Cathy believes in the Biblical definition of marriage: one man and one woman. Further, Cathy believes

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