Losing Our Minds

It seems people…are losing their minds. Not completely, but incrementally. The human race as a whole is becoming less thoughtful, less intelligent, less discerning, and less reflective. We are gorging ourselves on a diet of “thought-candy”, not meat. Meat requires chewing and chewing means work. Thought-candy is sweet and melts in your mind. It includes things like celebrity news, trite, thoughtless memes, and ready-made, predigested political ideas we already know and agree with. Those things are not bad in themselves,

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Climate Treaty: Roadmap to Antichrist

The United Nations chose “Earth Day” as the appropriate setting for the historic signing of this groundbreaking international climate accord [the “Paris Agreement”]. Note that the EC described it as “legally binding.” This is where it starts to get spooky, folks. What does that mean? A treaty can only be legally-binding if all parties formally agree to it. And before the U.S. can formally agree to a treaty, it has to be ratified by the U.S. Senate. The Senate has

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How China is a Step Closer to Biblical Prophecy

The ACLU is concerned about a new program recently instituted by the government of China. It is designed to encourage compliance with the Communist regime. In a few years, though, it will enforce compliance with the regime. Today, it is voluntary. By 2020, it will be mandatory. In China, everyone has an identity card. Using that card, computers will automatically track all data on every citizen, assigning each one a “credit score.” That sounds innocent enough. In the United States,

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2015: A Giant Leap Toward Prophetic Fulfillment

From the perspective of Bible prophecy, 2015 may be remembered as the year Satan’s key project began to rise.  Since at least the time of Nimrod, Satan has been laying the groundwork for a one-world government, with his man in charge.  Through the millennia since, he’s had successes and setbacks. But in 2015, the foundation became complete enough for him to begin building the actual edifice.  [2015] seemed to bring us to the critical time when Satan’s one-world order got

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Cyber Pearl Harbor

In a single day last month, three American institutions — the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines, and the Wall Street Journal — experienced devastating computer “outages” (hacks?). Each of these represent major pillars of the U.S. economy. In June, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) revealed that it had been the target of a very sophisticated and protracted hack exposing the private information of millions of federal employees. Then later, OPM reported that it had suffered another computer

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A Nation Turns

On Friday, June 26th, the Supreme Court of the United States overrode the states and the voters when the justices, by a single vote, imposed legalized, same-sex marriage on all America. The resulting dissension it caused among the minority members of the court is almost unprecedented. Some of you may be wondering right now, “How can this legal development have ‘prophetic implications’? Don’t tell me this is going to usher in the Antichrist!” Well, maybe. And not because the recent

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The Deception

The disciples once asked Jesus to tell them the signs that would precede His return to earth. He gave them a list that included earthquakes, famines, wars, pestilences, and more. But the first thing He said was, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Deception will be a hallmark of the last days. One would think it would be difficult to deceive Americans. We are the most-wired, most-informed, most-open society on earth. In fact, in history. But everyday I’m stunned

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Global Government Rising

Every day brings news of another crisis, another bailout, another affront to our individual rights, another threat to our nation’s heritage, freedoms, and liberties. Jesus commanded us to recognize the signs of the season so that we’ll know when the time of redemption is drawing near. That’s why it’s important that we study these developments with a clear eye and an open heart. I don’t want you to be afraid, I want you to be alert and prepared. You’ve heard

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