U.S.A. – While You Were Sleeping

Just in my lifetime, I have seen an unbelievable increase in the ignorance of God’s word in America.  Just today, Congress stepped out of its own lawful bounds to impose a new law re-defining marriage.  God invented not only the word “marriage”, but defined it for us.  Yet in defiance of a Divine definition, members of a government went out of their way to change God’s definition to something that “better fit” lifestyles in the U.S.A. It’s just these lifestyle

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Where’s America?

The Bible says that eventually Israel will stand completely alone and friendless against the entire world. Where’s America? I believe these are dangerous days for the United States. Paul predicts that, in the last days, “perilous times” will come. He also describes what I believe will be the condition of the world’s most Christian nation in those days. Here is his portrait: “…men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving

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