Are you going to trust “The System”?

Can you imagine a world in which you would never lose your car keys or wallet? Or have them stolen? Can you imagine a world in which you would never have to stand in line at the grocery store? Or the airline ticket counter? Or TSA? Can you imagine a world in which you would never have to worry about having your identity stolen when shopping online? Or your credit cards accessed by hackers? Can you imagine a world in

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When Worry Crowds Out Trust

We are a forgetful people. In the heat of an argument, we forget a friend’s kindness and focus on their faults. When the devastation of a financial loss occurs, we forget God’s previous provision. Worry crowds out trust because they cannot co-exist. The way to shrink our worry is to meditate on God’s character and truth. What we allow our minds to ruminate on affects our thoughts, actions, and emotions. We are creatures of habit, and cycles of worry are

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The Eloquence of a Lily

Have you walked through a beautiful garden in the springtime?  It’s very difficult to be weighed down by the cares of the world when you’re surrounded by the majesty of God’s beautiful art.  Solomon was a glorious king, Jesus tells us, with the wealth of several kingdoms at his disposal.  But all of his sparkling finery pales in comparison to the simplest lily that God placed beside your feet. And how many office hours have those lilies put in?  How

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