The Trouble with Humans Determining Human Rights

Conservative commentator Molly Hemmingway made an interesting observation yesterday. She noted that two days ago, the Left was in complete outrage that children were being “ripped away from their parents” at the border. Around mid-afternoon yesterday, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced that he was retiring from the Supreme Court. That gives President Trump the historic opportunity to nominate another constitutionalist justice to the high court. Immediately, the same liberals who were screaming about children being ripped away from their mothers at

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I describe Character as the only thing that goes in the casket with you. It’s the only thing that you take with you to the hereafter…. Character is returning extra change at the grocery store. Character is keeping appointments and being on time, honoring your commitments and honoring your word. Character is choosing the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Character is setting priorities that honor God, family, country, and then career….Character in marriage is working through the tough

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A Message About Sexual Orientation

Recent reports indicate that the Obama administration has released new guidelines that require all federally-funded women’s shelters to admit men who identify themselves as women.  The potential for abuse and predatory behavior is obvious.  However, the real and eternal life-threatening problem lies in the bigger picture.  Ken Ham in his Answers In Genesis blog writes, Now as Christians, we should have compassion on all people who are in need of help, including those who call themselves transgender. But we also recognize

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