Male Rapist Who Identifies as “Female” Confuses Jail System

As society drifts further from a biblical worldview (based on the absolute authority of God’s Word), we see the tragic consequences highlighted in the news over and over again. A recent news item from England just reinforces the point. Stephen Wood, who identifies as a woman going by the name of “Karen White,” is a convicted rapist and pedophile, most recently arrested for stabbing his neighbor.  (continue reading)  

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Eliminating Religion from Government

Canada Canada recently enacted a piece of legislation called Bill 89. Its net effect is that the Canadian government will be empowered to remove children from the homes of parents who do not agree that their small child may be “transgender.” As if a small child even know[s] what “gender” means, much less can identify his or her own internal gender fluidity! Folks, this is theater of the absurd — to the extreme! […] United Kingdom It has gotten so

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A Message About Sexual Orientation

Recent reports indicate that the Obama administration has released new guidelines that require all federally-funded women’s shelters to admit men who identify themselves as women.  The potential for abuse and predatory behavior is obvious.  However, the real and eternal life-threatening problem lies in the bigger picture.  Ken Ham in his Answers In Genesis blog writes, Now as Christians, we should have compassion on all people who are in need of help, including those who call themselves transgender. But we also recognize

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The Real Enemy

Many of us entrenched in political and cultural fights to preserve life, marriage and family, and religious freedom join our fellow Americans as we grieve the tragic loss of life from the inconceivable horror unleashed in Orlando, Florida on Sunday. We’ve set aside our arguments and bent our knees. We all feel the pain rip through our nation as a self-proclaimed terrorist slaughtered dozens of our fellow men and women in the name of his god. It’s anguishing to see

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Tyranny of the .3%

[T]he latest ludicrous jackboot tyranny — the transgender bathroom issue — is being perpetrated on 99.7% of the American public by a paltry .3%. That’s not 3%, that’s .3%. Three-tenths of a percent who identify as “transgender.” Yet hypocritical multinational corporations, organizations, governments, and public figures are risking their entire reputations and fortunes in an effort to force their skewed values on every person in the United States. It matters not what the average American believes or thinks!  Why?  It

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Silencing Opponents

Rabble-rousing is the new favorite hobby, and sometimes full-time job, for an entire class of self-proclaimed “culture warriors.” Witness this year’s presidential race. For the first time since 1968, a great deal of social unrest has centered on the presidential campaign. It has been mostly fueled by the promotion of Socialism (one of the most violent and oppressive political movements in history) by one of its remaining candidates. And with the rise of issues like illegal immigration, Ferguson, transgender restrooms,

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