Ordinary People Making Extraordinary Impacts

In 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, an African-American seamstress named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a municipal bus to a white man. Her arrest jump-started the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the initial efforts in the subsequent Civil Rights Movement. Though she was active in local civil rights efforts before taking her stand for her own rights, she was a relative unknown who changed the course of American history. Todd Beamer was an account manager on a

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Where Is the “Cancel Culture”?

I’m sure you’ve heard of the so-called “cancel culture.” It’s a movement in which people demand a statue be toppled or a name changed on an auditorium or other item because it’s deemed racist—or it’s connected to a person who supposedly made racist statements (or exhibited what is today believed to have been racist behavior) in the past. There are many examples illustrating how the religion of evolution as proposed by Darwin has fueled racism, resulting in evil consequences, such

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Doing Away With “Race”

Even though it’s been decades since Martin Luther King Jr.’s work for civil rights and fighting discrimination, prejudice is still alive. Why? Well, because racism is a consequence of sin in a fallen world infused with evolutionary thinking. The consequences of racism on a personal and social level are huge. But what do we do about it? Here is some truth and practical and personal application points from chapter five of the book One Race, One Blood by Ken Ham

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Racism & Identity Politics

Though we do not want to think about it, and some will deny its existence, there is a worldwide phenomenon happening right now. It is ripping apart nations, communities, and even families.  It’s called “Identity Politics.” It is dangerous. Those who engage in it are contributing to the destruction of our great nation. Those who promote it in government, the media, and international relations are doing so for their own political and financial benefit. But they are playing with fire.

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But there IS trouble in Sweden!

In a speech in Florida last month, President Trump referred to the problems Sweden is experiencing because of its lax immigration policies. As usual, there was an immediate mainstream media and social media response. Both ridiculed the President and his supposed lack of information. One reporter at the Huffington Post asked what the President was smoking to make such a claim. Even the Swedish government responded. Their spokespeople tried to make it seem that the President was ill-informed about Sweden.

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Enemies of Trump – and America

On the Surface You thought you saw opposition during the election campaign. I believe that nothing then compares to what we will see now that President Trump actually has the power to fulfill his campaign promises. I think his attempts to do the things he was elected to do will be opposed by the Left and by the Washington establishment with such ferocity and vitriol that it will stun most of us. Not only will the President and his allies

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