Pride’s Eternal Consequences

Pride is a very serious sin. It lay at the heart of Satan’s fall (1 Timothy 3:6) and was likely the sin that motivated Eve to eat the forbidden fruit (and was also likely Adam’s sin in following Eve’s rebellion). It is frequently mentioned in Scripture as one of the chief sins God hates and is one of the sins that God “gives people up to” when they suppress the knowledge of Him. Celebrating pride is especially abhorrent. It endorses

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Eve of Destruction – Part 2

P.F. Sloan wrote in his story behind the lyrics: “The song ‘Eve of Destruction’ was written in the early morning hours between midnight and dawn in mid-1964. The song was one of five that were written that evening Three of the five became notable for some reason. The other two were ‘The Sins of A Family (Fall On The Daughter)’, and ‘Take Me For What I’m Worth,’ recorded by The Searchers. I was 19 years old. The most outstanding experience

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The Signs of a War Brewing

The one thing that may trump the rise of European national pride (no pun intended) is the emergence of a serious common enemy. Putin’s Russia just may fill the bill. Russia’s increasingly aggressive behavior within its sphere of influence has alarmed many European leaders. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and theft of Crimea, his harassment of NATO and European military ships and planes, his placement of nuclear-tipped missiles in Kaliningrad, and his alliance with Iran and support of Bashar al-Assad have

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Prideful to a Fault

It struck me recently that the seemingly endless debate of “Evolution versus Creation” contains an obvious irony on the side of Evolution.  First of all, it should be noted that, according to the Wikipedia definition, Creationism is the religious belief that the universe and life originated “from specific acts of divine creation.” For young Earth creationists, this includes a biblical literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative and the rejection of the scientific theory of evolution.  Wikipedia contains this definition

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