Why Jerusalem Always Was The Capital of Israel

[On December 6, 2017,] President Donald Trump fulfilled another campaign promise. In so doing, he did something no world leader before him has done. He officially recognized the reality of the past 3,000+ years — that Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of the Jewish state and the Jewish people.  By declaring that the United States recognizes and affirms that reality, he broke ranks with every other nation on earth. It was, indeed, a courageous and historic moment. Now,

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Eliminating Religion from Government

Canada Canada recently enacted a piece of legislation called Bill 89. Its net effect is that the Canadian government will be empowered to remove children from the homes of parents who do not agree that their small child may be “transgender.” As if a small child even know[s] what “gender” means, much less can identify his or her own internal gender fluidity! Folks, this is theater of the absurd — to the extreme! […] United Kingdom It has gotten so

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But there IS trouble in Sweden!

In a speech in Florida last month, President Trump referred to the problems Sweden is experiencing because of its lax immigration policies. As usual, there was an immediate mainstream media and social media response. Both ridiculed the President and his supposed lack of information. One reporter at the Huffington Post asked what the President was smoking to make such a claim. Even the Swedish government responded. Their spokespeople tried to make it seem that the President was ill-informed about Sweden.

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Trump’s Travel Ban Truths

Many on the Left have tried to paint the temporary ban prohibiting travel into the U.S. from those specific nations as a “Muslim ban.” Either they are terribly uninformed or they are lying. My vote goes for lying. The seven nations on the list are Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Seven nations specified by the previous administration. It bans entry of all travelers from those nations, not just Muslims. The executive order doesn’t even mention Muslims. The

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Enemies of Trump – and America

On the Surface You thought you saw opposition during the election campaign. I believe that nothing then compares to what we will see now that President Trump actually has the power to fulfill his campaign promises. I think his attempts to do the things he was elected to do will be opposed by the Left and by the Washington establishment with such ferocity and vitriol that it will stun most of us. Not only will the President and his allies

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Changes of Allegiances & Alliances

In a move that stunned some analysts and even members of Congress, Russia, Iran, Syria, and Iraq announced they would form an intelligence-sharing unit headquartered in Baghdad. In 2003, the United States went to war in Iraq to stop Saddam Hussein from building, acquiring, and using weapons of mass destruction. After winning the war, we stayed and helped rebuild Iraq at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, and many U.S. lives. Out of that sacrifice, Iraq gained a

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Iran & Palestine Getting Chummy on Common Goal

­An important, but almost completely ignored, development took place recently in the Middle East. I believe it comes as a direct result of the agreement between the West and Iran regarding its nuclear program. It has powerful prophetic implications. To date, Iran’s dominating influence has been exerted mainly among Shi’ite Muslims. The fact that Shi’ites comprise just 15% of the world’s Muslims – the other 85% are Sunni – has helped to restrain Iran’s global influence. It has effectively kept

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Lawlessness in the U.S. Government

We Americans have been blessed to live our lives in this Republic that is founded on laws, not the whims of men. This “society of laws” is guaranteed by our Constitution, perhaps one of history’s grandest, most unique documents. But we are witnessing a continuous erosion of the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. As our leaders display less regard for the authority of the founding document, our society suffers. This administration has shown that it values its own

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