Ordinary People Making Extraordinary Impacts

In 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, an African-American seamstress named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a municipal bus to a white man. Her arrest jump-started the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the initial efforts in the subsequent Civil Rights Movement. Though she was active in local civil rights efforts before taking her stand for her own rights, she was a relative unknown who changed the course of American history. Todd Beamer was an account manager on a

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How Important is it to partner with Israel?

Recently, Christian Broadcasting Network’s Chris Mitchell reported from Israel on how, more and more, archaeological excavations in Israel are validating the Bible and the Jewish people’s ancient connection to the “biblical heartland.” Chris got a unique look at the excavations going on at ancient Israel’s first capital, Shiloh, located along the route known as the Way of the Patriarchs. Shiloh is steeped in the Bible. It’s where Joshua divided up the Promised Land for the twelve tribes and where the

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The Importance of Conviction

Today we live in a society that is convinced there are no absolute moral truths. It not only considers the Bible outdated and irrelevant to contemporary problems but also sees each person as free to decide what is right. As a result, our culture is ungodly, immoral, violent, and self-centered. How are we as Christians supposed to live in such an environment? We need look no further than the example of a teenage boy named Daniel, who had the courage

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Weekly World News Report – March 1, 2019

Recently, eight prominent members of Britain’s Labour Party resigned from their party. They did so in protest of the new rise of antisemitism within the party. Luciana Berger is one of the Members of Parliament (MP) who resigned. She wrote: “I cannot remain in a party that I have come to the sickening conclusion is institutionally anti-Semitic.” Other Labour members called her a “disruptive Zionist” who supported a “murdering government.” A well-known Labour leader, Margaret Tyson, called the Israelis, “…murdering

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Why Jerusalem Always Was The Capital of Israel

[On December 6, 2017,] President Donald Trump fulfilled another campaign promise. In so doing, he did something no world leader before him has done. He officially recognized the reality of the past 3,000+ years — that Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of the Jewish state and the Jewish people.  By declaring that the United States recognizes and affirms that reality, he broke ranks with every other nation on earth. It was, indeed, a courageous and historic moment. Now,

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Racism & Identity Politics

Though we do not want to think about it, and some will deny its existence, there is a worldwide phenomenon happening right now. It is ripping apart nations, communities, and even families.  It’s called “Identity Politics.” It is dangerous. Those who engage in it are contributing to the destruction of our great nation. Those who promote it in government, the media, and international relations are doing so for their own political and financial benefit. But they are playing with fire.

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Putin & Abbas: common tie, common goal

Last month, we learned that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (code name “mole”) was on the KGB payroll in the 1980s, along with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Following, Hal Lindsey describes what this means in terms of Biblical Prophesy. The information was discovered in a British archive of KGB agents from that period. Though the Palestinian Authority is trying to deny it, it makes sense. Abbas headed a Palestinian-Soviet friendship foundation during that time. And now that the US is turning

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