Are you going to trust “The System”?

Can you imagine a world in which you would never lose your car keys or wallet? Or have them stolen? Can you imagine a world in which you would never have to stand in line at the grocery store? Or the airline ticket counter? Or TSA? Can you imagine a world in which you would never have to worry about having your identity stolen when shopping online? Or your credit cards accessed by hackers? Can you imagine a world in

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America, God Shed His Grace On Thee

Remember the wonderful anthem to our beloved nation, “America the Beautiful”? When was the last time you sang it? It always makes me a little misty-eyed when I do. Have you ever noticed that “America the Beautiful” is chockful of prayer? Look at it. Each verse highlights something wonderful about America, then concludes with a prayer asking God to sustain us and continue to bless us. But the prayer in the first verse is the one that I believe is

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