Christianity, it’s different

Christianity is different from other world religions. Most of them can survive their sacred texts being found to contain conflicting details. What’s most important to them are the broad generalities they teach, not the particulars of their founders’ lives. But Christianity holds itself to such a high standard — 100% accuracy (a standard established by God Himself) — that the details of the life and death of Jesus Christ are critical to the validity of Christianity’s entire message. In fact,

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How Important is it to partner with Israel?

Recently, Christian Broadcasting Network’s Chris Mitchell reported from Israel on how, more and more, archaeological excavations in Israel are validating the Bible and the Jewish people’s ancient connection to the “biblical heartland.” Chris got a unique look at the excavations going on at ancient Israel’s first capital, Shiloh, located along the route known as the Way of the Patriarchs. Shiloh is steeped in the Bible. It’s where Joshua divided up the Promised Land for the twelve tribes and where the

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A Promise to the Persecutors

…from The Voice of the Martyrs President Oppressive governments would do well to tolerate the Bible in their lands, because we — the church, the members of the global body of Christ — will pay any price necessary to distribute them. In love and humility, but also in the full authority Of our Lord (Matthew 28:18-20), we make these promises to the persecutors: The more you seek to restrict access to Bibles, the more we will send: for every Bible

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What Is Your Authority?

Nowhere does God’s Word state you have to believe is six literal days of creation or that the earth is just six-thousand years old  to be saved. There are Christians who believe in millions of years and Christians who accept evolution. If they profess Christ as their Savior, and have a personal relationship with Him, we should not question their salvation. In fact, does the Bible state you must believe in any of these things to be saved? Jesus walked

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Why Jerusalem Always Was The Capital of Israel

[On December 6, 2017,] President Donald Trump fulfilled another campaign promise. In so doing, he did something no world leader before him has done. He officially recognized the reality of the past 3,000+ years — that Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of the Jewish state and the Jewish people.  By declaring that the United States recognizes and affirms that reality, he broke ranks with every other nation on earth. It was, indeed, a courageous and historic moment. Now,

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Fake News = Real Problem

The idea of “fake news” is real, folks. The problem is, it’s the mainstream media that is faking the news. They feel they can do so because they have a monopoly on communication and the public will never know they have concocted stories. Recently, the Associated Press (AP) reported that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief John Kelly had issued a memo calling for the use of the National Guard for immigration enforcement. Other major outlets took that story and

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A Message About Sexual Orientation

Recent reports indicate that the Obama administration has released new guidelines that require all federally-funded women’s shelters to admit men who identify themselves as women.  The potential for abuse and predatory behavior is obvious.  However, the real and eternal life-threatening problem lies in the bigger picture.  Ken Ham in his Answers In Genesis blog writes, Now as Christians, we should have compassion on all people who are in need of help, including those who call themselves transgender. But we also recognize

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Jesus doesn’t steal our identity, He gives us one

“Identity Theft” is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world today. And, sooner or later, it will affect all of us. It can be a minor nuisance, or it can totally devastate one’s life. Your name represents your authority, and that is what the hackers are trying to steal. They want to use your authority to enter the most secret places and steal from you. It’s the same way in our spiritual lives. Satan constantly seeks ways to

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God’s Incomparable Prophecies

The world is fascinated by the “prophecies” of modern “prophets” like Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or Joseph Smith. But their predictions have invariably proven to be vague, at best, and completely erroneous at worst. And they are always “discovered” after the fact. Unlike the prophecies of the ancient Bible prophets who named names and dates centuries in advance and have never been wrong. As the world hurtles toward the end of this Age, we have the plan already laid out for

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Silencing Opponents

Rabble-rousing is the new favorite hobby, and sometimes full-time job, for an entire class of self-proclaimed “culture warriors.” Witness this year’s presidential race. For the first time since 1968, a great deal of social unrest has centered on the presidential campaign. It has been mostly fueled by the promotion of Socialism (one of the most violent and oppressive political movements in history) by one of its remaining candidates. And with the rise of issues like illegal immigration, Ferguson, transgender restrooms,

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