School Shootings – A Closer Look

As a parent and grandparent, I can honestly say that I am horrified by the thought of even one child dying in any sort of violence while at school. We have always thought of America’s schools as a safe harbor for our children, a place we could send them for the day without worrying about their safety or comfort. Sadly, those may be halcyon days that we will never know again. But just because those times are apparently past does not

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Iran & Russia In Alignment With Biblical Prophecy

[Last week…] Israel launched an airstrike against a factory inside Syria. Contrary to the usual international brouhaha that usually accompanies an Israeli action against any of its adversaries, the world has been silent. That’s because everyone knows that Syria was producing chemical weapons at that plant. Apparently, they were also developing precision missiles there. A former Major General in Israel’s Defense Forces thinks that the lack of response to the strike from Syria and Hezbollah indicates another retaliation is underway. Yaakov

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Sex, Gender Identity, and Government

“The government has a duty to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of all students. We will not put a price tag on the privacy and safety of schoolgirls. That is exactly what the Obama administration is doing by threatening to withhold federal funding if we do not conform to an extreme political agenda that opens all public school girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to male students. Contrary to what President Obama would like, Americans do not elect a king

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