Ordinary People Making Extraordinary Impacts

In 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, an African-American seamstress named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a municipal bus to a white man. Her arrest jump-started the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the initial efforts in the subsequent Civil Rights Movement. Though she was active in local civil rights efforts before taking her stand for her own rights, she was a relative unknown who changed the course of American history. Todd Beamer was an account manager on a

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Deception Pervading America

I doubt he fully appreciates it, but President Donald Trump has performed a valuable service for scores of millions of Americans. He has opened their eyes to the insidious atmosphere of deception that pervades America and, indeed, the world. When he takes on the mainstream media and constantly points out the daily examples of “fake news”; when he exposes the bald-faced lies of those who promote the “virtues” of socialism; when he boldly proclaims late-term abortion to be what it

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Whose side are you on?

There is unabashed prayer in the Oval Office. In front of the cameras! As a nation, we have loudly proclaimed our support for and solidarity with Israel. We have smashed some of the most dangerous Islamic terrorist forces in the world. We have withdrawn from pacts and partnerships that were not only duplicitous, but dangerous. We are witnessing a restoration of the Constitutional role of the judiciary. We have eased the bureaucratic burdens on industry and business that were choking

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Where is America’s Greatness?

Donald Trump wants so much to see America return to greatness that in 2012 he trademarked the slogan, “Make America Great Again!” In 2016, that sentiment finally resonated with a majority of American voters. I believe there is a broad sense among Americans that we’ve left something behind — something crucial. But what? What made America so successful, rich, safe, powerful, and desirable?  We keep hearing that it was “American values.” But what are “American values?” The definition you would

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2017 Prophetic Year in Review

When Jesus was describing conditions just previous to the end of this Age, He said “you will hear of wars and rumors of war.” (Matthew 24:6) In a broad sense, that’s true of all years. But 2017 was different. It was rife with rumors of warfare at a level perhaps never seen on earth before. Two nations figured prominently in those threats. One or both of them may one day make up part of an alliance known in Biblical prophecy

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Bible Prophecy and America

I believe the last few weeks have been dramatic in view of Bible prophecy for these last days. Hurricane Harvey and, more importantly, its aftermath have wreaked unbelievable devastation on the coastal regions of Southeast Texas and Louisiana. And it continues. As I write these words, rooftop rescues are still happening. Entire communities are being evacuated from flooded areas. Whole cities are without water and power. And the death toll is rising. Only now are thousands of first-responders and National

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Racism & Identity Politics

Though we do not want to think about it, and some will deny its existence, there is a worldwide phenomenon happening right now. It is ripping apart nations, communities, and even families.  It’s called “Identity Politics.” It is dangerous. Those who engage in it are contributing to the destruction of our great nation. Those who promote it in government, the media, and international relations are doing so for their own political and financial benefit. But they are playing with fire.

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U.S.A. – The Nation of Hope to the World

Our nation exists today because her founders recognized their dependence on God and acknowledged it in the foundation and framework of this magnificent house we call the United States of America. We dismiss that recognition at our peril. The United States of America is the world’s only superpower. Its economy is the engine that drives the world. Even in our difficult times, it is still the cornerstone on which the global economy rests. Twice in one century, the United States

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Opposition Forces

On Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States. His inauguration was the culmination of a meteoric rise to power that remains largely a mystery to the political class. The demise of his political odyssey was predicted time and again by the mainstream media. The end of his campaign for the presidency was confidently announced by pundit after pundit, and on many occasions. To that, Mr. Trump could have echoed Mark Twain, who,

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Illegitimate President?

I’m sure you’ve been hearing all the talk about how President Trump is not a legitimate President because the Russians helped him win the election. On this week’s program, I’m going to tell you the real story about what happened with all the “leaked” emails of Secretary Clinton, John Podesta, and the DNC. Suffice it to say that you can’t believe everything you’ve been told by the media or the administration. Also, you’ve been hearing howls from the Left about

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