240 years ago the United States of America declared its independence from Great Britain. Last week, Britain had an independence day of its own. The citizens of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Voters turned out in droves. 52% voted to “Leave” the EU. 48% voted to “Remain.” Even with that fairly close margin, more people voted to “Leave” the EU than ever voted for anything in Britain’s history. Prior to the referendum, the fear-mongering from commentators,

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Is Shariah law coming to America?

A recent survey by the Center for Security Policy found that 51% of recent immigrants to the United States believe that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed by Shariah.” Did you get that? More than half of the migrants who are being allowed into the country prefer the oppression of Shariah law to the freedom of the American way of life. But that’s not even the worst of it. The same poll found that 25% of

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When is a duck not a duck?

Boy, the blame game has gotten rather bizarre. Not only are prominent lawmakers blaming guns for the [Orlando] killings, but President Obama went so far as to imply that the shootings are the fault of Americans who believe that homosexual behavior is a sin.Of course, it could never be the fault of Muslims who believe homosexual behavior is a sin. Senator John McCain believes the President’s foreign policy is at fault.  The New York Times blames Republicans. Don’t believe me?

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The Real Enemy

Many of us entrenched in political and cultural fights to preserve life, marriage and family, and religious freedom join our fellow Americans as we grieve the tragic loss of life from the inconceivable horror unleashed in Orlando, Florida on Sunday. We’ve set aside our arguments and bent our knees. We all feel the pain rip through our nation as a self-proclaimed terrorist slaughtered dozens of our fellow men and women in the name of his god. It’s anguishing to see

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Spiritual World War

We’re beginning to see new levels of radical Islamic brutality. Both the amount of violence and its horrific nature seem to be escalating.  Stories emerging from Afghanistan about Taliban actions are starting to rival the atrocities of ISIS. And the constant stream of reports about Muslim on Muslim attacks in the Middle East are beginning to numb our Western sensibilities. I think we are entering a new era of what I call “Spiritual World War.” And I believe that, more

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Jesus doesn’t steal our identity, He gives us one

“Identity Theft” is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world today. And, sooner or later, it will affect all of us. It can be a minor nuisance, or it can totally devastate one’s life. Your name represents your authority, and that is what the hackers are trying to steal. They want to use your authority to enter the most secret places and steal from you. It’s the same way in our spiritual lives. Satan constantly seeks ways to

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Infidels Suffer Through Ramadan

Almost two weeks in, it’s been a rough Ramadan.  For infidels, that is.  Ramadan is a month-long celebration to commemorate the supposed revelation of the Koran to Mohammad. The lowest point thus far is the murderous rampage of a Muslim radical at a nightclub for gays in Orlando, Florida. 50 dead and another 53 wounded. Four Israelis were killed in a Ramadan-related attack on a restaurant in Tel Aviv last week. And there have been several other acts of terrorism

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God’s Incomparable Prophecies

The world is fascinated by the “prophecies” of modern “prophets” like Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or Joseph Smith. But their predictions have invariably proven to be vague, at best, and completely erroneous at worst. And they are always “discovered” after the fact. Unlike the prophecies of the ancient Bible prophets who named names and dates centuries in advance and have never been wrong. As the world hurtles toward the end of this Age, we have the plan already laid out for

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Tyranny of the .3%

[T]he latest ludicrous jackboot tyranny — the transgender bathroom issue — is being perpetrated on 99.7% of the American public by a paltry .3%. That’s not 3%, that’s .3%. Three-tenths of a percent who identify as “transgender.” Yet hypocritical multinational corporations, organizations, governments, and public figures are risking their entire reputations and fortunes in an effort to force their skewed values on every person in the United States. It matters not what the average American believes or thinks!  Why?  It

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Beneath the Crescent Moon

People sometimes wonder why I bother to talk about the dangers of Islam.  They say, “Why not just present the positive aspects of the Gospel?”  They forget that Jesus Himself warned of dangerous belief systems.  And He called them by name! As a minister of the Gospel, it is my duty to show that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just another “religion.” It is the very truth of God!  Sometimes that can best be accomplished by revealing the

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The Eloquence of a Lily

Have you walked through a beautiful garden in the springtime?  It’s very difficult to be weighed down by the cares of the world when you’re surrounded by the majesty of God’s beautiful art.  Solomon was a glorious king, Jesus tells us, with the wealth of several kingdoms at his disposal.  But all of his sparkling finery pales in comparison to the simplest lily that God placed beside your feet. And how many office hours have those lilies put in?  How

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