Trump and the End Times

It’s a funny thing. During the primaries, many Christians opposed Donald Trump because he wasn’t “Christian” enough. But since he won the presidential election, some of those Christians have decided that these may not be the end-times after all.

They place so much hope in President-Elect Trump that they foresee only good things happening in the United States and the world. And it’s true that some positive things have already taken place.

Now, I don’t know how the President-Elect will do as President. I sincerely hope he does well. But I believe we will continue moving toward a soon-Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 24:8, Jesus compared the signs of His coming to “birth pangs.” To relax now is a little like a first-time mother confusing one of the first contractions of childbirth with the last one. After each contraction, she feels better, but it’s not over. More contractions are coming.

Birth pangs come and go. So do the signs of Christ’s coming. One minute the world is in the midst of intense labor pain. Then the contraction subsides. But until the birth takes place, we can know for certain that more will come. And they will come with greater frequency and intensity.

So now is not the time to relax. We must be diligent and watchful. Be in constant prayer for our new President, that God will grant him wisdom, courage, and personal safety.

His election, the turmoil it has caused, and the hope it promises are surely a “birth pang” in the process carrying us to the soon return of Christ. It places us in the center of some amazing events and on the threshold of that great event — no matter who serves as President.

transmitted by Hal Lindsey – 12/16/2016

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